Sakis Axiotis (aka. Wampyrion Markhor Necrowolf)
Fundador da Funeral Storm & Karkinos (Black Metal), Alcath (Dungeon Synth) e Nano Infect (Electro / Industrial). Engenheiro de som, amante underground, ocultista, colecionador Hellenic Black Metal dos anos 90.
Founder of Funeral Storm & Karkinos (Black Metal),Alcath (Dungeon Synth) and Nano Infect (Electro/Industrial).Sound Engineer, underground lover,occultist,90s Hellenic Black Metal collector.
Fundador de Funeral Storm & Karkinos (Black Metal), Alcath (Dungeon Synth) y Nano Infect (Electro / Industrial). Ingeniero de sonido, amante del underground, ocultista, coleccionista helénico de Black Metal de los 90.
Founder of Funeral Storm & Karkinos (Black Metal),Alcath (Dungeon Synth) and Nano Infect (Electro/Industrial).Sound Engineer, underground lover,occultist,90s Hellenic Black Metal collector.
Fundador de Funeral Storm & Karkinos (Black Metal), Alcath (Dungeon Synth) y Nano Infect (Electro / Industrial). Ingeniero de sonido, amante del underground, ocultista, coleccionista helénico de Black Metal de los 90.
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